“The Corporate Social Responsibility already exists in enterprises and organizations, in a conscious or unconsciously, organized or scattered in existing processes”.
Inmaculada Rodríguez, RSC Founder in APD’s conferences “O cumprimento Social: unha vantaxe competitiva para as empresas” (10/04/2018).
RSC Galicia was created to identify existing practices and to incorporate the best actions.
We manage and Audit for years projects related with industry, public administration, organizations and we take into account that “drop by drop it starts a river”, and not flooding with utopias...
Showing the human side and the social engagement, you will go further.
Raising awareness about the importance of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives in organizations, as the best element of competitiveness.
Be the enterprise with the higher practice sense in advisoring and education in matter of CSR and ESR (Enterprise Social Responsibility).
"Corporate Social Responsibility is a hard-edged business decision. Not because it is nice to do… but because it is good for our business.
Niall Fitzgerald ex CEO, Unilever.